Totally Home
Totally Mama is a totally supportive training community for mums at every stage of their journey. Whether you’re pregnant, have just had a baby, or your children are all grown up, our classes can help you!
GOOD NEWS! All our classes are back, face to face, in our beautiful parks! Don’t worry, we are COVID-safe compliant and have all our Health & Safety guidelines in place. Obviously with classes being held outside this makes us a little safer, but we are still ensuring a safe socially distant environment for you all to keep training! Please make sure you book in via our online booking system.
As always, if you, or any children you are bringing to class are displaying any of the COVID symptoms, or have had a positive test, please do not come to class and follow the government guidelines regarding isolating and testing.
For any further information or if you have any questions at all please email
If you need any more help regarding the COVID-19 situation, please refer to the government website HERE.
Totally Mama
Are you looking for a place to get fit and make new friends?

Our trainer Cat is fully qualified in advanced pre and post natal exercise. We always offer a low and high impact version of each exercise, so you can really train to a level that suits you. She is always on hand to offer advice and support you through your goals.
We have a fantastic network of super friendly mums that attend our classes making working out fun and supportive community, but don’t take our word for it…come and have a free trial session. Please email to book in to your trial session!
For more information either email us on or feel free to call 07815 092955.
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